
Explanation of Scriptures

I am the way, the truth and the life; nobody comes to the Father, except through Me (John.14,06, written on 27.12.1843)

[4.1] Will it be difficult to bring another central sun here? Oh no, not in the least! For we may only put here every next best text from the book of the New Testament, and a new central sun would be before you with the same original light, and with the same power and effect! For example: "I am the way, the truth and the life; nobody comes to the Father - except through Me."

[4.2] See, we have a central sun right there! Anyone who can see its light in themselves, will surely see in such illumination, that by reading it in an absolute sense, nothing is geared to the profit of eternal life.

[4.3] Surely the Father is the eternal love in Me, as I am completely in Him in my Divine essence from eternity; for I and the Father are one, or: I and My eternal Love are one, or as love lives in its wisdom, living forever, so also does wisdom dwell in love, from which it proceeds, eternally.

[4.4] The Father or the Love is the basic life of all life; He who does not return to this living Origin of all life, remains dead, and nowhere else can a life come to pass.

[4.5] But where is the door to the Father? And who is this door? Is it the many books and writings that someone reads or is it I?

[4.6] On the other hand, it will be easier to get in the mood and say: "Indeed, if one examines the doctrine of Christ carefully, one cannot easily be of a different opinion than, that one can only achieve eternal life of spirit and soul through following this doctrine; and in this sense, it is quite true what Christ has said of Himself, that He alone is the way, the truth, and at the same time, the life itself!

[4.7] But I say to you truly: There are thousands and thousands more who make such a confession, and that on the ground of their good insight; and yet I say: They are dead and have found neither the way, the truth, nor the door and the life!

[4.8] It will be said here: "This sounds crude and ruthless! How can such be heard from the supreme love of God?! What can man do more than attain through the diligence of his study, the perfect insight into the great truth and Divinity of the great Teacher?! What higher things can man do, than to strive to recognize the true, highest, holy dignity of the divine Word, and really recognizes it through his diligence?!

[4.9] But I say: That is true on the one hand - it is certainly better to do something, than to reject everything and then to indulge in the arrogance of the world; but the Scriptures also say: "At that time many will say to Me, 'Lord, Lord!', and that however, means that I will say to them: 'Depart from Me; because I have never known you!'

[4.10] That is the foundation of the passage you know in the New Testament. Under the saying, "Lord, Lord", it is shown that Christ is well known as the way, the truth, and the life; but what good is this knowledge, if no one wants to walk the way, and does not want to actively seize the truth in order to get through to life?!

[4.11] Surely, I am not an actor, that I want to be satisfied with the empty applause, but my cause is full of eternal earnest, and I therefore demand serious activity, not only empty applause!

[4.12] What face would a rich bridegroom make if different brides wish to show all him all acclamation and would like to praise and glorify him; but if he would like to have one or the other, then she would run away, and in her heart revile him for such audacity?

[4.13] Tell me, will the bridegroom take one of those foolish brides for a wife?! - Indeed, he will go out and look for a whore and will say to her: "I know you, that you are a whore; but I say to you: let go of your doings, and I will take you to wife!"

[4.14] And the harlot will abdicate, obliged by her true, newly awakened love, and shall become to the bridegroom a beloved wife, and will be like a Magdalene, who formerly was the last of all the wives of Israel; but when she called on the true Bridegroom, she became the first among all the women who, with the bridegroom Himself, celebrated the great resurrection to eternal life.

[4.15] Indeed, her thing was not reading the books; but when she had recognized the True one, she at once withstood from her worldly activities, and took on a strong, incorruptible love for the One whom she had recognized as the True one, and sacrificed for her great love, all that she possessed in this world!

[4.16] See, for such a bride I am the real, living activity, the Way, the Truth and the Life!

[4.17] But there were many others at the time who also recognized Me as that, but they did not want to know about the activity; therefore, the text also applies to them: "So the first will be the last, and the last, the first!"

[4.18] But is the activity of the way, the truth, and the life really so serious? Does it not say: "My yoke is gentle and My burden is light!"? - Yes indeed, so it is! The whole way, the truth and the life and the gentle yoke and the light burden are in the two commandments of love.

[4.19] Is it so difficult to love the one who is the Eternal Love Himself, and is it hard to love your own brother? - Oh truly, nothing is easier than that! Take only the world, that ancient plague of the spirit, from your breast, and you will know how sweet and easy it is to love the Eternal Love and love the brother!

[4.20] But it is certainly difficult to love Eternal Love and brother, when the heart is full of the world, full of world accounts, full of money, full of speculation and full of infernal mathematics, which knows how to calculate on the spot, what a penny has to throw off by percentages in the course of usury in a year.

[4.21] Indeed, where the heart of this art is full, the "Lord, Lord!" Will not help much, and the way, the truth and the life will be so narrow and thorny that it will hardly ever be able to be transformed!

[4.22] What good is reading a thousand and another thousand books that are ever so full of truth? Will they bring to life someone who is daily concerned to stuff his heart more and more day by day with all the ungratefulness of the world?!

[4.23] Tell me, will anyone of you be able to father children with a statue?! Or will a still, artificially painted seed germinate, if you put it in the soil? - Certainly neither one nor the other! The living can only live again with the living; So even the living Word can bring fruit only in the living heart.

[4.24] For the spiritually dead man, however, the living Word is nothing but a painted seed, and he may scatter countless such grains, yet he will never obtain a fruit; because he does not enliven the Word, the Word does not become alive in him either.

[4.25] But he who listens only a little and does so, he is a doer of the Word, and seeks the kingdom of God truly, and everything else is given to him. - I mean, that's clear too; but next, on to more central suns!

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