
The Spiritual Sun

[1.2.5] If you would now consider your feelings, seeing from the beginning of the crude material to the finishing of the stately building, then you would surely discover a vast difference. How was this difference achieved? I tell you, none other than by the determined and good organization and the unification of the separate crude matter to a whole. When you first walked among the heaps of crude matter, it was discouraging to your being and your emotions stirred chaotically. When you saw how the crude matter was made more useful and organized through the fire and the tools of the carpenters, you felt more blissful, for you already saw the possibility for a house to emerge from such orderly matter. Yet, you still could not properly imagine the house itself.

[1.2.6] When you saw the builder master laying out the building plan, you felt in some sense pleasantly surprised, for you could already say: Behold, look, this will become a magnificent building! When you saw it after the finishing off was done, you longed for the completion. When the building was fully complete, you looked at it with great satisfaction and when you were guided through the elegant rooms of the house, you were greatly awed and said: who would have thought that something like this could emerge from the still crude material?

[1.2.7] Look, thus it is with what we have seen up till now in the natural sun. It is crude matter, appearing in this condition without coherence or relation. When one would consider the inhabitants of the sun and all their works separately, he would find no coherence or mutual relationships. Only in the spiritual these completely crude pieces become more and more organized. From the organization can be gathered unto which higher destination they exist, since the innermost of all refer to one and the same being, in which their final and full organization will find completion.

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