
From Hell to Heaven

[2.191.16] Says Helena: “That we will give a miss, I would think! If the Lord is not going to open it for us then let it be locked for eternity, Amen!” Says Robert: “You are not wrong my most beloved Helena; do you think however that if one has made it all the way to the celestial portal, one ought to make every effort to get through! There is no embarrassment in asking, and even less in seeking, and as for the knocking – I’m now going to make a din upon both wings like no other: how do you like that? I had already as an angel made a most extensive celestial journey with Sahariel, and now I stand in your company like an ox upon the hill! The only thing we miss is the legendary Minerva; should be a treat to hear her lay into this door-lock! ’

[2.191.17] Says Cado: “Don’t overly mention the wolf! Verily, if I am not mistaken, she is launched to pay us a visit! Now we can wait for riddance’. Says Helena, confounded: “She must have good hearing! Robert Uraniel nice time coming! You just had to mention her name in this quandary! It’s going to be high Mass! Is she maybe going to drag us down to the lowest? God be with us!”

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