
The Natural Sun

The Sun as the ideal concept of the planetary worlds; Generalities about soil and plant growth

The Lord Jesus' Revelations, commencing 8 August 1842.

[1.1] It will not be necessary, as with the presentation of another cosmic body, to determine the position of this shining star (the sun), since everyday delineates this sharply. Wherefore we shall pause to answer a question: What is the sun? An answer to this shall easily sort out everything else, making it capable of wonderful exposition. So lets ask again: What actually is the sun?

[1.2] In relation to its orbiting planets, the sun indeed is a fixed star; in itself however it is merely a perfect planet, in that it too (like the orbit of the Earth and its moon around the sun), together with its planets moves around the formerly mentioned central sun, a journey taking somewhat longer than the earth's orbit around the sun; for it requires nearly twenty-eight thousand years (note: twenty-eight thousand years / Revelations given 19th Century) to complete its journey.

[1.3] Wherefore we know that the sun is not just sun, but rather a perfect planet, which in relation to its size as a cosmic body, also is bathed in more light than each of its much smaller planets.

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