![]() | The Natural Sun |
The Sun as the ideal concept of the planetary worlds; Generalities about soil and plant growth The Lord Jesus' Revelations, commencing 8 August 1842. [1.1] It will not be necessary, as with the presentation of another cosmic body, to determine the position of this shining star (the sun), since everyday delineates this sharply. Wherefore we shall pause to answer a question: What is the sun? An answer to this shall easily sort out everything else, making it capable of wonderful exposition. So lets ask again: What actually is the sun? [1.2] In relation to its orbiting planets, the sun indeed is a fixed star; in itself however it is merely a perfect planet, in that it too (like the orbit of the Earth and its moon around the sun), together with its planets moves around the formerly mentioned central sun, a journey taking somewhat longer than the earth's orbit around the sun; for it requires nearly twenty-eight thousand years (note: twenty-eight thousand years / Revelations given 19th Century) to complete its journey. [1.3] Wherefore we know that the sun is not just sun, but rather a perfect planet, which in relation to its size as a cosmic body, also is bathed in more light than each of its much smaller planets. [1.4] If however the sun in itself is a perfect planet, then it certainly has to comprise in perfect measure all the essential planetary components occurring in smaller proportional potencies in its orbiting planets. Therefore there has to be present within the sun in great perfection that which, in much smaller form and therefore in much greater imperfections, is found upon the planet Mercury, Venus, Earth and its moon; in Mars, in the four special, individual planets Pallas, Ceres, Juno and Vesta; in Jupiter and its four moons, Saturn and its rings and seven moons; Uranus and its five moons, and another still more distant planet with its three moons, and finally in all the twelve billion (twelve thousand million) comets orbiting around the sun at immense distances. [1.5] In brief: the perfect planet sun is in the natural sense the complete epitome of all its planetary-world children; or, in this perfect planet is manifested vitally, more perfect in a natural sense, everything that occurs in whatever planet, moon or comet. For better comprehension therefore, we shall cite a few examples: [1.6] The soil of your planet is dead, hard, stony and not capable of bringing forth anything without the light of the sun. The sun's soil on the other hand is soft and gentle, and not stony or sandy, as the softness of human flesh, or for still greater comprehension, it is as elastic as human flesh, or for still greater comprehension, it is elastic nearly throughout; so that none who happen to fall on the ground would suffer painful injury, the impact being as upon an air-cushion. It is not however of a tough elastic composure like your so-called rubber, but completely loose and not only elastic as a whole but in all its particles, which in themselves are globules filled with true life-ether. [1.7] Such is indeed also the case with the soil of your planet, but the globules are brittle and so do not yield to a blow or fall, but rather compress further. And, if lying undisturbed alongside one another for many consecutive years, they grip together so stubbornly as to turn to stone, then offering still more stubborn resistance in the natural state than they did in their separate units, for which reason a planet's vegetation must needs be more meager than upon the perfect sun-planet. [1.8] Because on a planetary body such as your Earth, a rather rough seed, with its germ first has to decay, and then through this very process cause the surrounding soil to simultaneously decay or soften so that the germ then liberated can absorb its appropriate ether sustenance from the softened earth globules. Whereupon it has to immediately drive a large number of rootlets between the earth particles, softening them therewith and then crushing them through its growing bulk to gain additional plant-growth substance. [1.9] Is this necessary upon the perfect sun planet as well? Behold, here the difference is immense. [1.10] Upon the sun, no tree of any variety, nor bush or plant has any root or seed, growing and arising like your original stone-moss, mildew or mushroom; except that these growths are not as transitory and of such short duration as the aforementioned terrestrial ones; hence, where such forces cause something to grow, they continue to grow on perpetually. And even where the physical sun-dwellers, as it were, hew it down, this growth is not killed therewith but the chopped tree or picked plant soon renews itself. Since the roots of such growths are not crudely material but more like fiery ether-veins, this vegetative force, after said removal, gathers itself up and grows forth with new splendour and glory. [1.11] Some may say: well, if these growths cannot be terminated, will they not take over all areas upon this planet so that no other freely moving being can persist beside them? [1.12] But this is by no means the case, because the physical people of this perfect planet have a much greater willpower than the vegetative force of the solar soil. Wherefore no tree, bush, plant or blade of grass grows upon the sun without the participation of the human will. Human will therefore, is the only endlessly manifold, diverse seed for all vegetation upon this perfect planet. Hence a tree or plant of any shape only grows upon the sun's ground where sun-man wants it. Wherefore there is no permanent and uniform species in the plant-kingdom upon this perfect planet, it is always responding to the prevailing spontaneous will of a person. Once a human has called forth a tree or plant from the ground however, only that person can also exterminate it, or if someone else received empowerment from the producer. [1.13] Wherefore, there is a truly limitless diversity in the plant kingdom upon the solar earth; for no two similar plants can be found between two adjacent neighbours, because each entices up different plants from the ground they occupy. And were one of you to journey through the extensive solar areas for many thousands of years, he would indeed constantly come upon new and wondrous species and forms; but he shall not find two plants that completely resemble each other. Behold, from this example alone you can already appreciate why the sun is a perfect planet. The same thing occurs on each heavenly or smaller planet too, but imperfectly. [1.14] Likewise upon your Earth, existing plants can be altered, grafted or improved but in a much more cumbersome and restricted way. Only in the spiritual domain is there evidence of similar perfection in humans on other planets too, as for instance the fruits of poetic imagination, whether in the conceptual language, as expressed in words or the language of creative arts, or through corresponding pictures with the aid of paints and other suitable materials; but most of all through the language of tones with which the composer can unfold supreme diversity, if his spirit is attuned in that field. But even this apparent perfection upon the planets is only a dim image of what is found in every thinkable subject upon the perfect sun planet. [1.15] That the sun is a perfect planet and hence must be made up of everything planetary can be seen from the fact that everything upon the planets is formed through the sun's radiating light. The difference between the perfect and imperfect planet can be seen only from the fact that all forms upon the latter arising from the light of the sun are necessarily determinate and not easily changeable and are even capable of counting; whereas upon the perfect solar planet, all forms are free and have no restriction other than the will of man, being therefore countless and infinitely different. [1.16] It can happen sometimes that even upon the imperfect planets through the effect of sunlight some more ancient species die out, whilst completely different ones come into being. But such cases on the planets are rare and the change and transition period requires a far lengthier period than upon the perfect sun-planet. [1.17] In this way upon your terrestrial body, several thousand tree, bush, plant and grass species have indeed perished, impressions of them having been found between layers of rock. Several primordial species of giant trees also have perished their wood now being found as hard coal. Likewise a large number of giant animals have completely vanished from existence as for instance the mammoth and a great many of yonder large winged amphibians still known as lizards. [1.18] Thus, even the gigantic bodies of some men have perished, who in primordial times were known by the term giants, together with several species of giant birds and also many fish not found among all the contemporary ones, except in some rare cases embedded within stones sometimes in well-preserved form. [1.19] But, as said, all these changes upon an imperfect planet firstly proceed very slowly and not as markedly differentiated from their succeeding forms as the constant changes upon the perfect sun planet. [1.20] It is for this reason that the sun can be called a perfect planet, because whatever is present upon the planets also is present upon its ground in a most perfect equivalence and in the greatest and most diverse life-like abundance. From this it must be clear to all that the sun must truly be a perfect planet, since it is the complete embodiment of everything comprising a planet from its mid-point through to all its parts and of everything manifesting on its surface. For were it not so, how could its rays call forth its equivalence upon the cosmic bodies? |
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