
Paul's Letter to Laodicea

[3.22] Above all draw from love, because love alone is of any value before God, and it is the only fully valid link of all completion and all perfection.

[3.23] In love and through love reigns the true, perfect peace of God in your hearts, and all of you alone are called into this peace and to this peace in the One Body of Christ, the Lord, and that is how you thank Him. That is why you thank Him for all times and eternally in the Spirit and in Truth,

[3.24] But not in a dead temple; before God a temple is nothing. The Lord and Giver of Life looks only into the heart and at the peace it contains.

[3.25] Let the living word of Christ dwell abundantly among you in all love and in true, perfect wisdom. Teach, caution, and edify each other with all kinds of magnificent and spiritual things and observations,

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