
The Healing Power of Sunlight

[1.10] Wherever some weakness first appears in the substantial parts of the soul and the soul is unable to gain strength for these weakened parts in a proper way, it resorts to its own nerve essence, drawing from it what it lacks. The result is, as in discharged electrical bottles an obvious shortage in the nerves, of the life fluidum through which alone the right current is sustained.

[1.11] The nerves become as if hungry, absorb still impure nourishment from the blood, and when this happens it, of course, leads to an unnatural life process in the nature of the flesh, resulting in the development of all kinds of sickness, depending on how they relate, based on the deeper soul calculations, to one or the other part of the soul that has become weakened.

[1.12] However, since in the purer sun spirits all those particular soul substances are present out of which the soul is made, it is easy for the soul to take from them all that it lacks for its strengthening, thereby restoring the former order in its nerve essence and through it, in its nerves and blood, the proper natural life current.

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