
The Household of God

[1.5.29] And behold: When all the suns with their planets came into existence through the might of the eternal, infinite God's merciful love, they had as yet no radiance, shine, shimmer or glimmer, for there was still dark night on the created suns, earths and moons. But into the center of the suns eternal Love sank a small spark of Its grace, and this spark – taster than lightning - illuminated the dark masses and lo, they shone upon the earths with a great radiance and are still shining and will do so as long as the spark of grace is not taken from them.

[1.5.30] And behold, the earths and moons also began to shine, and they were allocated to the suns in just numbers and Love breathed upon them through the power and might of the Deity, and lo, the light vibrated on the suns, the seas on the planets heaved and whirled the floods, and the air currents and winds floated and blew over the earths like the Spirit of God over the waters of mercy. And the moons rose mightily above the earths to which they bad been given like fruit on a tree and began to revolve around them in wide circles as constant companions. And where there were many of them they were united in fixed orbits as a sign of the love of the children who are to constantly behold the face of their Father, as do the moons their earths, to prevent them from being torn from their orbits and destroyed on account of their light structure.

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