
The Household of God

[1.1.10] Tell the love-makers: Whoever walks in the flesh, walks in death and his lust will soon become the food of maggots. Only he who walks in the spirit will reach the light, the original source of life. His share will remain forever and keep increasing.

[1.1.11] Those who are fashion-crazy tell in all earnest that they will be standing naked before their most just judge. Their splendor will vanish like bubbles. Their lust for power and pomp shall end in the lowest slavery, and they will be ashamed of their foolishness everlastingly. Is not he a great fool who wants to have a rubbish heap gold plated and has gems set in the worst kind of dirt instead of gold! Oh, that there are so many lunatics in the world these days! They regard the light as darkness and the darkness as light!

[1.1.12] Already there is a star in the East that will pave the way for Orion, and the fire of Sirius will consume all of them. And I will fling great numbers of stars to the earth so that all the evildoers may perish and My light shine everywhere.

[1.1.13] I, Jehovah, God from eternity, the True and Faithful, for a final warning. Amen.

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