
The Household of God

[1.0.1] The writer of this work sought in all earnest and found what he had sought. He asked and it was given to him, and since he knocked at the right door, it was opened to him and to all those who are of a good heart and will. But those who did not seek with the heart, but always only with their presumed pure reason and keep examining and criticizing, they knock only on the hard and dead shell of matter instead of the living name of the eternal Giver of all good gifts, and they shall not be given and it will not be opened to them. For the Spirit of the Lord never reveals Itself through the intellect of the worldly-wise, but only in and through the simplicity of the heart to those who are regarded as fools by the worldly-wise. However, soon the intellect of the wise of the world will come to nothing before the simplicity of the fools.

[1.0.2] He who will read this work with a humble, grateful and devout heart will gain from it much grace and blessing, and he will not fail to recognize the true author of the work. However, to the pure-reason-caste it does not make any difference whether they read Daniel, a Sir Walter Scott, or a Rousseau or Hegel; because for the worldly thinking everything is worldly and a higher communication from on high is regarded as an irresponsible fancy of ignorant, fanciful people who through their mysticism want to become someone or achieve something because they cannot do that on the road of pure reason which they do not possess.

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