
The Great Gospel of John

There, look through the open window, and you see just now the Regulus in the Large Lion! See, this is the very primordial sun in this shell-globe! Its incalculable large distance from here, has compressed it to a point. How many such Regulusses could you imagine next to each other? I say to you: countless, - just as your spirit next to the large cosmic man, started to imagine more of them in endless space! And with such pure divine abilities equipped in the spirit, you say that a person is a nothing of nothingness?! Yes, your body as matter is of course nothing; therefore the great and immortal man should not provide for his temporary and material nothingness, but for his spiritual everything, and in future he can not say, that he is a nothing of nothingness, but in and with Me everything in everything! – The Great Gospel of John, Book 6, Chapter 247, Paragraph 8

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