
The Great Gospel of John

See, the deference of the free will of the people of this earth goes by God even so far, that He not even considers what one or also several people think, want and do. Only if deviated too far from God, only then does God look at them and awakens seers, teachers and prophets, who can announce to the people anew the will of God and His intentions. If the people take note of it, things will improve again; however if they do not take note of it, and mock and pursue the awakened seers, teachers and prophets of God, then God must allow a necessary external punishment to come over the people and often over a whole nation. But even such a judgement is never directly activated by the almighty will of God, but such a judgement comes always from blind and wilful wrongdoings of the people. – The Great Gospel of John, Book 6, Chapter 225, Paragraph 8

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