
The Great Gospel of John

Then came visible angels who first visited Abraham, and Jehovah was among them and loyally informed Abraham what would happen to Sodom and the other cities. And the two angels were send in the form of two strong youth to the city to still save Lot. The people did not at all listen to the youth but wanted to commit the most unnatural sodomy with them. Then Lot got away upon the warning of the two youth. Only his wife became a victim of her tardy curiosity; she turned into a salt column according to her body as predicted by the two youth. Since they said: 'We must flee quickly and not even take the time to look back; for the underground fires spread very quickly and its everywhere erupting vapours quickly suffocate all physical life and turn everything very quickly into stony salt!' Lot's wife nevertheless stood still for a few moments and was caught by the vapours and became a victim. – The Great Gospel of John, Book 6, Chapter 225, Paragraph 13

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