
The Great Gospel of John

Influences of spirits and communication with the world beyond. Independence and freedom of human will

[6.225.1] Said I: "You now have spoken indeed and with your speech would have created quite a sensation in a school of the Sadducee, Stoics and Epicures; but here you have assessed the matter like a blind the light and colours and like a deaf person the harmony of a well tuned harp.

[6.225.2] The life of the soul cannot be shown and proven to you by a person and even less so by any departed spirit. You must find it in yourself; and this is not otherwise thinkable possible, than through the true love for God and the love for the neighbour.

[6.225.3] You think that the reappearance of an already departed soul would mainly strengthen the believe in the immortality of the soul and the believe in God, and I say to you that in this regard you are stuck in a completely, fundamentally wrong opinion! Firstly a departed soul in the beyond has exceedingly more than enough to do for itself and for its neighbours and does not really has the time to appear to the people in the flesh several times with a body created from the air and the earth and to teach them how things are and look like in the beyond, and secondly can every perfect spirit in anyway influence the people without limiting their free will in the best possible manner, and such invisible influence is for man much more salutary than the visibility and audibility of a departed spirit. For if a good and already quite enlightened spirit places good and honourable thoughts and feelings in your heart, they are already as good as if you have created them in you yourself; they unify with your life and motivate you to become active.

[6.225.4] If however a spirit, as for example Moses, would appear to you and say to you: 'This and that you have to do if you want to attain life; if you are not going to do this you will fall into the judgment of the almighty God and there hardly will be any fully happy rise from the death of judgement!', you will tremble after such an admonition and will for the rest of your life not dare to do anything else than what the spirit of Moses has advised you to do.

[6.225.5] What however will be the use for you from that? See, nothing; since then not your own better recognition has prompted you to act, but the power of the spirit which has come to you, and you hardly gain any value for your soul! It is nearly the same as if you people train an ox or a donkey or any other animal to perform a certain task; if you have trained an animal for a coarse work in the field, this is surely only your gain and not the gain of the animal.

[6.225.6] If I with My almightiness wanted it to be, that no person ever commits any sin, no person would ever sin again; for he would not be able to dare transgress one hairbreadth beyond My will, just as nobody can shape his body differently, as he is created by the will of God, and can also not extend his bodily life at his own discretion, since all this depends on the almighty will of God. If God would allow it that no person would ever commit a sin, who would have the gain completely for himself regarding the totally sin-free life of a person, who was guided by the almightiness of God, just as it guides the growth of the trees and all other fruit and guides the worlds through endless space? Surely nobody else than God Himself, since man would be nothing else than a play-doll in the hands of God! It also would be a lot more comfortable for God, as it is also more comfortable for Him to create the different animals with their most diverse and most strangest properties and then to guide them and let each in its own way become active.

[6.225.7] However, the people of this earth are destined to become free and totally independent children of God, and as such they must be guided in such a way that their necessary most free will does not experience the slightest coercion from any more powerful side of a spirit, but be guided only through revelations and teachings and by external laws, to seize with their free will the truth and good which they have been taught, and become active accordingly out of their own self-determination.

[6.225.8] See, the deference of the free will of the people of this earth goes by God even so far, that He not even considers what one or also several people think, want and do. Only if deviated too far from God, only then does God look at them and awakens seers, teachers and prophets, who can announce to the people anew the will of God and His intentions. If the people take note of it, things will improve again; however if they do not take note of it, and mock and pursue the awakened seers, teachers and prophets of God, then God must allow a necessary external punishment to come over the people and often over a whole nation. But even such a judgement is never directly activated by the almighty will of God, but such a judgement comes always from blind and wilful wrongdoings of the people.

[6.225.9] The mighty Hanochites have been warned for more than a hundred years, that they should not for the sake of gold and precious stones destroy whole mountain ranges and should also not level them to the base to more easily conduct their wars, because thereby they would open up large underground water sluices and drown everybody. But all this was to no avail; they did what they wanted, dug even deeper into the mountains and opened up the water sluices. See, this was not carried out by the almightiness of God directly, but took place only through His admission, which was the necessary result of people who did not wanted to listen to His timely admonitions!

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