
The Great Gospel of John

About true prayer

[2.111.1] When we all were back onshore, the Centurion said: "Lord, now I have abundance proof that You are either the highest God Himself or a Son of Him; for this no mortal could have done!"

[2.111.2] Thereupon all fell on their knees and wanted to worship Me.

[2.111.3] However, I instructed them to rise from the ground and said to them: "Listen, all this God and I do not need, since the only true prayer consists of the sincerest love for God, the Father in heaven and equally for your fellow-men who are your neighbours. All other prayers have no value before God and also not to Me.

[2.111.4] God also never taught the people to honour Him with lips and keep their hearts cold. But since Samuel prayed audibly in front of the people, equally so several of the prophets, and because David sang to God the Lord his psalms and Salmo his High Song, the people came to empty lip prayer and to cold sacrifices.

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