
The Great Gospel of John

[10.39.13] Go and investigate outside and see how many gentiles I have made healthy this afternoon and how many I have freed from all their suffering, so that you can be enlightened by the gentiles, and not the gentiles by you. It is true that the light went out from the Jews but the gentiles saw and recognized it earlier than the Jews. Therefore, they also will keep the light, and the Jews will have to receive it from them if they want to have it. So you also go outside now and let yourselves be enlightened by the gentiles."

[10.39.14] When the more believing Jews heard that from My mouth, they went immediately outside to the rejoicing gentiles, and they heard how these highly glorified and praised the God in Me of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and they were not little surprised when they heard this from the mouth of the gentiles and from those who were sick and were healed. Then most of the Jews believed also, went home and discussed with each other about all the things they had heard from the disciples before and what I had said to them. The glorifying words of the gentiles made their hearts wider and the thoughts of their souls higher, and they came to understand what David had meant with his psalm.

[10.39.15] But we partook of the well-prepared evening meal and discussed with each other about all the things that happened that afternoon.

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