
Explanation of Scriptures

[3.8] Give the Bible in the hand of an either completely, or at least half worldly man, and say to him, "Friend! Read this diligently, and you will find what you desire: the hidden treasure that you always longed for, consisting of gold, silver, and precious stones, which is a perfect life of your soul!"- and this friend follows your advice, take the Bible and read it with great attention.

[3.9] But the more eagerly and attentively he will read this work, the more outward contradictions he will encounter, and will soon say to his friend: "Friend, I have now read the book you have advised me to, at least six or seven times; but the more often and the more attentive I read it through, the more contradictions and nonsense I encounter! What's the story of all this colorful tinkering, what with those mysterious prophecies that seem to have as much connection as the Chimborasso in America with the Himalayan mountains in Asia?

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