
Explanation of Scriptures

[2.4] For one could also say, for example, that if any farmer were in possession of a large piece of good agricultural land, which yields him a hundredfold crop, why does he then sow the whole field?! One-tenth of it carries as much as what is necessary for the farmer's needs!

[2.5] But I ask: If this countryman sows the whole field with a good grain, and the field brings him a hundredfold crop, of which one tenth is sufficient for his subsistence, will the superfluous nine tenths injure him? - Oh, sure not! For half of the excess can be distributed to the needy, who will be greatly grateful to him, and the other half of the abundance he can bring to the market; and as it is a good crop, he will find many buyers who will take it away from him at advantageous prices, and he can then use the money gained, to order the rest of his household, and thereby become a respectable and rich fellow countryman.

[2.6] Now see, it is clear from this example, that if one has a good field in himself, and has plenty of good seed in abundance, then he should not be sparing in sowing! For he who sows abundantly will also reap abundantly; but if you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly! And what does it need for that? If only the soil of the field is well worked, you may sow so much good corn on it, and yet no grain will perish in the good soil, but every grain will shoot its abundant stem!

[2.7] Likewise it is also in this matter that concerns the spiritual sowing of the Word through reading!

[2.8] For the cultivation of the spiritual ground, man needs no more than the two commandments of love; With these he works his spiritual field easily. If this is worked on, then everyone can sow so much in the same soil, as he only ever can and likes; or he can read as much of the good given, as he can procure of any one of them in fair amount - the whole sacred scripture and all explanations relating to the same, and he will take in nothing of all that which does not give him a rich harvest.

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