[1.3] I am no doubt chaotically surrounded by all sorts of building materials, and the beams and stones lays in a disorderly heap; but out of all these building materials, not even a bad chaste (hut, Austrian expression) is built, in which I could freely live! Although I pile up the building material constantly - all kinds of gems and the most beautiful cedar wood lies in a clumsy pile before me - and (but) I cannot arrange it! And although I have occasionally begun to create a little order, I am again adding a colossal amount of new material, so that I must tire in my activity and at the end shudder at the sight of the amount of material to be arranged and I do sadly wonder when all this material shall be organized into a house!" [1.4] See, that is a very thorough response of the spirit, that every person who has read a great deal, must find in himself in the very clearest terms! [1.5] If such a person has been reading through a few thousand books throughout his life, what a mess he has in his memory in the end! And if it goes well, he will produce so much after such an extensive reading, that he realizes that he knows nothing.