
Correspondence with Jesus

The Lords answer on this letter of the King Abgarus

[1.7] Abgarus, you are blessed because you have not seen Me, and yet believed in Me! For you see, it is written of Me: that those, who have seen Me, will not believe in Me, and that those, who have not seen Me, believe and may live in eternity!

[1.8] But in regards to your concerns, for which reason you wrote to Me, that I shall come to you, because I am pursued here in the land of the Jews, I say unto you: that this is necessary, because for that reason I came into the world that all this becomes fulfilled in Me, at this location; and that I, in a short while after all this is fulfilled on Me, will ascend to Him, from Whom I came from eternity!

[1.9] Nevertheless be patient in your undemanding illness. However, after My ascension into heaven, I will send a disciple to you that he may heal your illness, and give to you and all who are with you, the true health!

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